I love me some repeat clients! It shows that I have successfully made them feel at ease in front of the camera, I have done my job well, and they appreciate my work. Plus, I have even made some friends along the way. I've had the privilege of capturing Maddie and Art for several years now, and it's always a joy to work with them. Maddie is adorable and always brings so much joy with her contagious giggles. As for Art, he's just fun to poke at! I love maternity sessions. I adore the radiant glow of expectant mothers, the sheer excitement of new life entering the world, and the joy of capturing the most beautiful moments of motherhood. Most moms-to-be might not feel their best, but how amazing maternity photos are for capturing this special time. They're a wonderful way to create lasting memories. Congratulations to Maddie and Art! You two will be amazing parents; your child is lucky to have you.

Location: The Mission Club