I always feel like we're a season off here on the Central Coast. Spring can be... unpredictable. Overcast, fog, sun, wind, cold—and on rare occasions, rain. This day was no exception. The forecast was sunny, but I wasn't prepared for the wind. And by wind, I mean more like hurricane-force gusts than a gentle breeze.

But let me tell you, this family nailed it and was an absolute delight to photograph. Sure, we had to pause and wait for the ridiculous gusts to die down, fix hair multiple times, and find cute little sheltered corners to pose in, but it was all part of the adventure.

Despite the challenges, I was incredibly happy with the results. More importantly, I had a wonderful time getting to know and spend time with this adorable family. Here's to making the best of every situation and capturing beautiful moments, no matter what Mother Nature throws our way!