I wasn't sure what to expect with a senior photo session at the airport but this senior was set on having his portraits done there and who was I to say no? I'm not going to lie, I was a little worried. It's a new location, I was unsure what the weather was going to choose to do, and we'd just learned that morning that Food Truck Friday was scheduled to also be at the airport. What. The. Heck. I monitored the weather all day thinking we'd have some great, warm sun, and hopefully a few sun flares. But, as it always is in this area, the fog decided to roll in and the wind kicked up. I must say though, sometimes some moody, grey portraits can be really cool and this session didn't disappoint. Charlie was a fantastic senior model and his photos turned out better than I could have even imagined. Congrats Charlie on your senior year!

Location: Lompoc Airport